Neurofenix are a new company who have developed the NeuroBall. It’s a device for stroke survivors which allows users to complete upper limb rehabilitation exercise by playing games.
My physiotherapist has been heavily involved with the development and trials of the device and I’ve been fortunate enough to trial a couple of prototypes! I love the device itself as it really helps to engage my left-hand which is often forgotten about by my brain and the games are SO fun. My personal favourite is ‘Frenzy’. They’ve recently introduced leaderboards which is great for keeping me engaged as I enjoy a good healthy bit of competition.
Anyway, I was invited to a photoshoot for Neurofenix’s promotional images and they’ve kindly published a lovely Q&A style blog about HiddenInMe. I’d love to know what you think, and please do check out the Neuroball!
Heres me trying out the Neuroball with my physiotherapist, Richard Sealy (The Rehab Practice)